Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace.


Mental Health has never been more important.

Research shows that mental illness is the biggest cause of lost economic output for organisations.

It is currently the #1 reason why Australians are visiting their GP and it’s estimated that 45% of the population will experience a mental illness at some point during their lifetime. Statistically, it impacts more individuals than cancer, diabetes and heart disease combined. 

Yet despite the prevalence of mental illness within our population, workplace stigma remains a concerning problem. Studies show that 8 in 10 employees avoid disclosing their mental illness or seeking treatment due to the assumed judgement they would receive from their co-workers.

Yellow set out to change this.

75% of Australian’s reported that their mental health had worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let’s provide greater mental wellbeing support in the workplace.


Your highest performing employees may be silently suffering.

Statistics show that mental illness can impact anyone in every organisation. Unlike physical illness, individuals can still highly perform and operate without other’s being aware of their symptoms. Whilst this insight might be daunting for employers, it can be easily rectified for the greater good of your organisation.

Increasing awareness, reducing stigma and encouraging support will help your organisation to become healthier and happier - a safe and enjoyable working environment where all employees thrive.

Yellow has the tools to support your organisation.

A survey conducted by Beyond Blue found that 91% of employees believe it’s important to work in a mentally healthy workplace but only 52% agree that their workplace fits that description…

Let’s improve that statistic.


Our ethos.

At Yellow, we believe workplace mental wellbeing must be front and centre for organisations to strive. 

With over 15 years of management and organisational experience, we have first-hand experience in understanding workplace culture. We recognise that successful and productive organisations are built off strong and healthy employees. 

Yellow can help.